Tuesday, November 18, 2014

ISMS Gift of Giving

""The perfect gift is not the one that you search for, it is the one that finds you" NJ

Just the other day, my daughter told me that she had bought me a gift for this upcoming Christmas. Through the years we have developed this on-going excitement of giving gifts, so much at times, it gets hard to refrain from telling each other what the gift is prior to Christmas. So we began giving hints. Lil clues, just enough to curb the curiosity but never enough to give away what the gift actually is. My daughters' clue to her recent gift purchase was, "It's a gift for you that you will give away". That simple hint took my excitement to a whole new level. I replied to her by saying, "Oh…I love gifts like that, they are my favorite kind". For me, I so enjoy giving gifts far more than receiving them.

Several days had passed when I was scrolling through Facebook post and had seen a post by my aunt. It was an update on a GoFundMe fundraiser for my cousin who she was raising money for her grandson who had recently been hospitalized after being ill for several months without a solid diagnosis or a solution. I had already donated money to help her out and thankfully a diagnosis and treatment plan had begun. As I looked at this update, I began to wonder about this process of fundraising. My mind frantically began racing from one thought to another. I even recalled a moment in a movie that I had watched which was still recorded on my PVR. 'Eat, Pray, Love' with Julia Roberts. I remembered the moment in the movie where she had reached out to her friends as a request of her upcoming birthday to help Tutti. I wanted to re-watch this part of the movie while getting dressed. I tend to have the TV on as background noise while doing my hair and makeup. I grabbed the remote, scrolled through my list of recordings, found the movie and pressed play. I was surprised when the movie began to play exactly at the very scene of her writing the letter of Tutti to her friends. It was a sign. My birthday is 3 weeks away from today. Hmm, a lot of coincidences leading up to this or one of those gifts that finds its way to you? The gift of an ISM. (Inspirational Serendipity Moments)

I wondered if I could start a fundraiser to help people that I did not at this moment directly know, yet know they exist out there in the world right now. People who need that help, that break in life, that chance, that one ISM.

I have decided to give it a try. I will take on a search to find those in need, those who deserve to benefit from the help of others, those who need an ISM to make a difference. I will try my best to take this on using the guidelines from the movie starring Will Smith, 'Seven Pounds'. (Yes, I love movies that inspire you, even the ones that touch your heart and empty the Kleenex box of tissues) I will go out in public, talk to strangers, listen to stories, observe from a distance as well as up close and personal and connect with those who will be given the money which will make the ISM they receive possible.

Every dollar amount will help, even the smallest of donations eventually add up and every donation will go to giving ISMS out to those who deserve them. I know myself, sometimes life gets hard and when you are down and look up and see a hand reaching out to help you, it makes a difference.

Yes, I could pick a charity, however I am choosing to directly place money hand to hand, face to face. Although I have and do donate to several charities, I would like this to be personal. I want to see if I can make this happen, I want to see how the donations help someone else in need. I will not use this money to create advertising on fancy letterhead. I will use social media to actually connect with real people to bring awareness instead of just telling the world what I have made for dinner tonight.

I will post updates as they happen so anyone who joins me in this journey can also be of part of the difference it will make.

Like the story of 'Stone Soup', which I learned of by watching 'Little House on the Prairie", I have a pot of water, now let's see who can help me fill it up. I will start by making a personal donation of my own to get this started. Perhaps my donation will be the only one, however I would like to hope that others find the kindness in their heart to do the same and donate. I will not set a time limit on this fundraiser, the longer it runs, the more donations that come in, they more people will be helped by it.

I will set a goal to withdraw money at the end of 2014 to give to those who need that help the donations in January of 2015 so their year may begin with an ISM. (Inspirational Serendipity Moments)

Thank you all,

Someone wanting to make a difference.

P.S. Since we live in a time where scams too frequently exist, I give you my word and assure you, this is legit. I do not need this money for myself, and in no way am I looking to personally profit from this fundraiser. My reward will come by making a difference giving ISMS to others. For those who know, will know this to be true.

To donate go to the following website: