Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Have you ever had days that perhaps did not get off to a great start and then in a moment someone completely changed your entire day with just a kind word, gesture or even a smile?

If you have, then you know what a great feeling it is and how such a simple lil moment made a large impact on your day, your life.

Although we have the power to make this possible in our everyday life, we should use that power and some of us do not. We should start our own days off with Gratitude and Awareness!! Appreciate you are alive, give thanks to as lil or as many things you would like and take notice of how much that impacts your daily life.

Then, share that special moment with someone else. Give someone else a reason to smile. Offer a hand when it is needed, be polite to strangers as well as to those you love. The more you give... the more you receive. Never doubt that you can make a difference. You may not be in the presence of the person you touch, they could be long gone with their own day that you are not present in, just keep in mind, you could easily continue to be a part of their day although it is not apparent to you. Maybe the kind words they will recall, maybe the smile you shared will give them a cheerful moment that puts a positive outlook on the rest of their day.

If you ever recall moments of being the receiver, you know the impact you can have for others.

"You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you"!! Anonymous

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tick Tockism

I have heard this time & time again as I am sure many of you have as well… there’s just not enough time in the day.

Guess what people? A second is a second, a minute is a minute, an hour is an hour!! They never get any slower or go by any faster!! Each second, minute and hour take the same amount of time to pass without ever moving slower or faster!!

It may seem life moves by faster with each year that passes us or slows down with each impatient urge of anticipation.These are both very important issues that everyone should take notice of.

Stop rushing through life as well as trying to slow time down.
Neither is necessary if we learn to appreciate the moments each and every day.

“You will not find time for anything, if you want time you must make it”. Charles Bruxton

There is no guarantee to how much time we are given to live, so live in the moments you have, while you have them and appreciate each and every one of them!!

Livin in the moments gives you a full life!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dancin in the Windism

While I was workin on a flower garden within my backyard, I took a break to rest a moment, sat myself in the grass to observe what was before me. What started out to be a simple collection of flowers and plants was only a glimpse of the masterpiece soon to be discovered.

Just then I thought I would reflect on what seemed like endless hours of aching muscles that screamed out to me, "Stop, we do not like what you are forcing us to endure", I experienced a more pleasing moment than expected.

Across the yard in the distance, I had music playing to motivate me to continue on through the aches and pain that my body did not appreciate. This song, "Dust in the Wind" came on the radio.

As I began to listen to the song, not so much the words as the instruments that created the melody. I felt a slight, warm breeze blowing through the grass I sat upon and the flowers that were before me. I took notice to the leaves and the flowers that began to sway. I became mesmerized by the synchrony between the movement of these plants with the music from the radio. I was not just a girl sitting in the grass and I was becoming a lone audience to a symphony. Every petal from every flower, every leaf from every plant danced in perfect timing with the song.

I was entranced in the moment when along came a visitor to participate in this moment. A white butterfly flew in, weaving itself through this wondrous orchestra of music and dance. Just before the song ended, the butterfly disappeared over the fence to continue on a journey that was unknown to me.

The serenity & peace engulfed me.

Moments like this surround us in our daily life.

Small miracles happen everyday… you just have to be willing to see them!!

This is a “Livinism”!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mini Heart Attackism

What is a mini heart attack?

It’s those moments when you get the living day lights scared right out of you for funny reasons.

Scared: thrown into a state of fear, fright or panic

You know that moment when you are walking down stairs and think you are on the last step only to realize you still have 2 mores steps to go and begin to take a giant, unexpected leap to the ground beneath you!!

Or when a bug lands on you and you do that dance of life, flinging your arms in every direction, running frantically away from where you are in order to get that bug away from you.

Maybe it’s that moment that you walk through a spider web and pull out the ninja moves that you did not realize you had until that very moment.

You know these moments. You have now been scared into a heart racing, freak out and you end up laughing at yourself while you try to calm back down from that MINI HEART ATTACK that you just experienced!!

Mini heart attacks are the best kind to have. Why? Because they make your heart pound, your blood pump like it has never before and gives you the thrill of the unexpected scares that make you feel ALIVE!!

Live to laugh & laugh to live!! Milton Berle

That is a “Laughism”!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Why should we spend life afraid of the STORMS when all we have to do is learn how to DANCE in the RAIN!! Author Unknown

Many of us have faced struggles, whether it is with Love, Loss, and Adversities in Life. Some of us have faced more than one. Sometimes we may have felt we have been dealt more than our fair share. Having fallen down and had to get back up although each time we forget in that moment of despair that we were able to get up and overcome the hardships, the difficulties. These are moments that we even experience as a child. They continue on into our teen years, further more they still continue into our adult life. It seems like we do not escape from having to come face to face with a challenging time. No matter how positive we are, those moments we are left feeling hopeless.

It is easy to say to yourself: Be positive, keep your head up, it will pass. Not so easy to believe in this when you are wanting that something to change from bad to good with no solution as to how it possibly can or will happen.

These are the moments that we need to change our PERSPECTIVE!!
Perspective definition: a visible scene, especially one extending to a distance.

Imagine when you look up close at an object, really up close, as close as you possibly can get, then stand as far back from the same object and your perspective on the exact same object changes.
Now imagine this: you are inside a house in the middle of an intense argument with someone, both of you yelling back and forth with each other. Neither of you can hear what the other is saying since you both are so intent on making your own point while raising your voices so loud, neither of you can hear what the other is saying. Now, you walk outside of the house, look through a window and you see yourself inside having this exact same argument. What would be different? Your PERSPECTIVE!! You would be able to not only see yourself and hearing what you are saying but you are able to see the other person and hear what they are saying as well. Why? Because you have put distance between yourself and the situation which gives you a clearer perspective!!

When you are faced with difficulties, searching for answers, reflect back to another time that you dealt with a complication... did you survive it? Once you had overcome it and were in a better place, does it seem as difficult as it did back in the moment? My favourite time to reflect back on was in the child/teenage years. Wow, did those times seem like the worst and were the hardest to overcome, at least they did when I was living in that moment of them. When you were the one left out of an event that all your friends were participating in or when the boy you had a crush on did not like you because he liked your friend instead, the part you desperately wanted but did not get in the school play. Recall how you felt in that very moment. Devastated & hopeless!! However, when you look back on that childhood moment, it does not seem as significantly as important to you now as it did when you faced it back then. This is where you should realize that whatever devastation or struggle you are experiencing now, can be faced and put behind you just like that childhood moment was.

One last thing, always remember that someone else in this world is far worse off than whatever struggles you are dealing with. Taking that moment to realize this, you can simplify what may seem like pure darkness to a small shadow and look forward to whatever is awaiting you in the sunshine. Every shadow has sunshine for a shadow would not exist without sunshine!!

This is a "LIVINISM"!! <3

Monday, August 8, 2011

Gone to soonism

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,
Love leaves a memory no on can steal!! On a tombstone in Ireland.

When you are struggling to deal with the loss of someone you knew, ask yourself this: What would I do if I only had moments left on this earth?

Perhaps it would be to do the thing you always wanted to do but never took the time to do it. Or to tell those who are near and dear to you that you love them. Maybe you may even just choose to reflect on the life that you have lived. Some of you may even become panic stricken in a race to finalize things that you think ONLY you are capable of doing.

Now, ask yourself this question:

Would you want those you are about to leave behind to stop living too?
Of course you would not want or ask this so now ask yourself this:

Would the person you have lost ask or want this for you?

Most likely not!!

A life of someone no longer here can continue on in the hearts and memories of those left behind if those of us left behind choose to continue to love them & keep living.

This is a "Livinism" & a "Lovinism" too!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Best medicinism

We've all heard that "Laughter is the best medicine" however medicine never taste good but laughin sure does!! Especially when it's one of those almost pee your pants, gasping for your breathe, the all- out, contagious belly laugh!!

Make it a habit!! Cause the more you find to laugh about, the easier it is to deal with the not so funny days!!

Forget the apple a day... Laugh a day!!

That's a "Laughinism"!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The lil thingsism

The lil things in life make the biggest impressions!! The simple things bring the most joy!! The smallest caring gesture makes one feel the most loved!! When you take the moment to notice the lil' things in life, you appreciate life more.

You don't need the most gigantic event in a day to make an impression for yourself or someone else. Each day is filled with lots of lil things that make up our days. Just take the time to see them and you will find it easier with each day that you notice them, to appreciate and enjoy them as they come.

Think about what has happened to you in the past that has placed an unexpected smile upon your face or brought a peace into your mind or love into your heart. You will start to see that many times it was just a lil moment.

Embrace the lil moments daily!! That's a "Livinism"!!