Friday, August 12, 2011

Dancin in the Windism

While I was workin on a flower garden within my backyard, I took a break to rest a moment, sat myself in the grass to observe what was before me. What started out to be a simple collection of flowers and plants was only a glimpse of the masterpiece soon to be discovered.

Just then I thought I would reflect on what seemed like endless hours of aching muscles that screamed out to me, "Stop, we do not like what you are forcing us to endure", I experienced a more pleasing moment than expected.

Across the yard in the distance, I had music playing to motivate me to continue on through the aches and pain that my body did not appreciate. This song, "Dust in the Wind" came on the radio.

As I began to listen to the song, not so much the words as the instruments that created the melody. I felt a slight, warm breeze blowing through the grass I sat upon and the flowers that were before me. I took notice to the leaves and the flowers that began to sway. I became mesmerized by the synchrony between the movement of these plants with the music from the radio. I was not just a girl sitting in the grass and I was becoming a lone audience to a symphony. Every petal from every flower, every leaf from every plant danced in perfect timing with the song.

I was entranced in the moment when along came a visitor to participate in this moment. A white butterfly flew in, weaving itself through this wondrous orchestra of music and dance. Just before the song ended, the butterfly disappeared over the fence to continue on a journey that was unknown to me.

The serenity & peace engulfed me.

Moments like this surround us in our daily life.

Small miracles happen everyday… you just have to be willing to see them!!

This is a “Livinism”!!


  1. Aww, my little white butterfly on a new jouney, perfect for the moment.
    White butterfly:Butterflies generally represent souls, and white is the color for purity. In general terms, it's simply a pure soul. If it visits you at an important moment in your life, it may represent a guardian spirit, ushering you along the path of life.. <3

  2. Anonymous, what a beautiful addition to this story. Thank you for sharing this!! ~♥~
