Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Selfishness can be a lonely place for one person.

Have you ever met someone so incredibly selfish, they have no consideration for others feelings? So selfish, they can only do for someone else when there is some sort of personal gain for themselves? A selfish individual stands alone. We should not be angry at these kinds of individuals. Although at times, this can be easier said than done. Instead of being angry, we should feel sorry for them. Perhaps they have such low self-worth or could be so terribly unhappy in their lives this is their only defense. It may be their only escape from their reality.

Now, I am not suggesting you accommodate their disorder, just be aware that there is not always a need to understand, just accept this so that you learn valuable life lessons.
1. Selfish people can make it easy for you to be thankful. Thankful that you are different than these types of people. Without them, we have no white/black, up/down, on/off or positive/negative in life, which creates balance. Balance in necessary to appreciate the good side of life.
2. Most selfish people are the most defensive about their habit, their choices. They are quick to defend their actions and even quicker at denial. Denying for them is justifying what they clearly do not want to admit, acknowledge or even willing to consider as a fault of their own.
3. Get ready, this one is HUGE!! Understanding that a certain amount of selfishness is needed in each and every person’s life. The reason I say this is, without it, you take a chance, a risk, of laying out a doormat with the single word intertwined in the fibers of the mat that clearly states, “WELCOME”. A doormat gets walked on over and over. When the words “WELCOME” is clearly displayed to a selfish person, it is nothing more than an invitation to a selfish person, who will thrive on you and walk all over you, over and over again.

So, it is ok to reserve a bit of selfishness for just you. The difference between this and the one’s who abuse it, is the degree of how much selfishness you use.

Here is a good way to dose yourself with a small, but fair amount of selfishness.
Ask yourself these questions:
Does it hurt someone else?
Is it taking away what someone needs? Keeping in mind a ‘need’ and a ‘want’ are VERY different.
Is this making you a better person?
Are you giving as much as you take?

Be ok with retaining a certain amount of selfishness. It is only wrong when answer ’YES’ to the first two questions and ’NO’ to the last two questions. You wouldn’t hold guilt inside if you are reserving just a portion of selfishness for just you. Someone who abuses selfishness, abuses themselves.

Remember when dealing with a selfish person, they can ONLY take what we ALLOW them to take from us.

“It is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others.” ― Dalai Lama XIV


  1. Most interesting FACT:: "They can only take what we allow them to take from us" Good point.

  2. Thanks Anonymous!! It is a FACT that we should always remember when dealing with selfish people in our lives!! ~♥~
