Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Candles have magic.

We already know one kind of candle magic that most of us have used already without even giving it much thought. Birthdays!!

We use the candle magic when we celebrate our birthday or someone else’s birthday. The candles adorn the top of the birthday cake, representing each year of our life, and a wish is made prior to the candles being blown out. Have you ever wondered where this came from? Most probably not,you just accept this tradition, make a wish and blow out the candles in hope that your secret wish comes true. You believe in the magic of the candle without ever questioning why.

Here is a little history on birthday cake candles:
The tradition of placing candles on birthday cake is attributed to early Greeks, who used to place lit candles on cakes to make them glow like the moon. Back then the cakes were always round which represented the moon.
Other believe the custom generated in Germany where people would place a large candle in the center of the cake to symbolize the ‘light of life’.

I never recall ever asking why? Why do we make a wish on our birthday? Why do we blow out candles? I just did it and believed. Probably just as you do.

Let me teach you of another kind of candle magic. One that you don’t have to wait until that special day of the year to use. This kind you can use anytime you like or need to.

First thing, imagine a candle flickering before you. The flame dancing just above the candle, the puddle of wax that is melting just beneath the flame, maybe you can even see a hint of smoke rising from the flame, now become aware of how soothing and calming the candle makes you feel. You have suddenly relaxed watching the candle burn.

Now do you ever recall arguing over candlelight? It does not happen. The candle magic does not allow it. When you feel like you are up against a brick wall, full of anxiety anticipating yet another senseless argument, get a candle or even a few out. Light them and place them between you and the other person or other people.

Ta-da, the candle not only has a magic way of relaxing you, it relaxes everyone else. The brick wall is now replaced with a clear surrounding.

If you find you and your family are sitting down at dinner discussing the days events, tensions begin to elevate and arguments erupt bring the dinner to a sudden halt, try lighting candles at the table before the dinner begins. You may be amazed at the transformation that takes place and what once was an aggravating dinner has now turned into an event that you look forward to having together. You do not even have to tell the others at the table about the candle magic, just like no one explains to you why you make a wish when you blow out the candles on a birthday cake. Unless you are dealing with people who are too rushed to even notice the candles and in that case you can just make a comment that will direct their attention for a moment to the candlelight. We all know there are some people out there that need that little bit of guidance.

Candles have a way of making you believe in their magic without explanation.

One very important note to keep in mind, if you are in the middle of an argument, do not run for a candle. That would be like starting a race at the finish line, no time to warm up, prepare or appreciate the race you just ran. You need to allow the candle time to burn the magic into the air.

“There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle” - Robert Alden

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