Tuesday, September 23, 2014


"Drift in the sea like a buoy not anchored"- NJ

Many times throughout life we come across obstacles. Some can be small obstacles like molehills, some much larger, like mountains. There are even times when you get both at once. Molehills and Mountains.

We have all dreaded facing these obstacles in one way or another. Why do we dread them? Most likely it's how we look at the obstacles as we approach it. An uphill battle? Too much for me to deal with? Why me?

Could it be possible to turn those mountains into molehills and molehills into anthills? What if we looked at those obstacles differently? Could we accept the not-so-great challenges as well as we accept the unexpected bonuses in life?

Let me share a story with you. This loving young couple starting out their journey together, settling into their new home they would share together on the waterfront. A dream home to start a life together. They were so excited to be able to tie their boat up to a buoy just a safe distance from their dock, which was just a short walk down from their first jointly rented home. Money is tight for the young couple who are just starting out together and making the best of their paycheck to paycheck situation.

One day the young lady looks out across the lake from a window in the house and is suddenly horrified to discover their boat is no longer floating next to the buoy where they it tied up. She frantically scans the lake in every direction she can in search of the boat which she does not see anywhere. No buoy, no boat. She quickly runs into the next room to inform her fiancé their boat is gone. They both go down to the lake to get a better view, still no sign of the boat. The panic stricken couple get into a tiny, built for two, rowboat and start rowing out onto the lake. After an exhausting physical and mental search, they find their boat floating along with the buoy still attached to it across the other side of the lake. Once they get up to the boat, they are able to investigate what happened. They discover the chain that connected the buoy underwater to the anchor had broken off. With the water still too cold to swim down and no extra money to afford to fix the buoy, they have decided their only option is to pull the boat out from the water and leave it parked on land until they can afford the repair on the buoy. Yes, having a boat is a luxury to have but for this young couple, the boat was more than a luxury, it was the sanctuary, an escape from their day to day pressures. After long days at work trying to get ahead, they looked forward to taking the boat out on the lake and do some fishing. It was their quality time together to unwind. Now that luxury had become another financial burden upon their shoulders. More money they did not have. An obstacle they were faced with fixing.

Several weeks had passed with no change in sight. Money was too tight for them. As the young lady stared out at the lake, longing for the day to come they could return to their daily getaways together, she noticed a massive tree had fallen into the lake, floating along in a swift current on the surface of the water, heading in a direct path to where their boat had once been. Had the buoy not have broken loose, the boat would have still been in the direct path of the tree that surely would have damaged the boat. Possibly beyond repair. The boat could have sank right there after an impact with this tree. Then, there would have been no boat at all. The young couple were so grateful that the obstacle that had presented itself to them weeks earlier, although unknown to them at the time, was not a tragedy. It was just a small matter compared to what could have been, had it not happened. At least now, they still had their boat safe and sound.

Each obstacle is different and yes, there are many obstacles that we are faced with that are far difficult that this young couple's boat story, however, if we realize and accept things happen for a reason. Even though at that first moment we do not understand the reason, just accept it as it comes and know it is meant to be. There is hope for a better outcome in time.

Perhaps we will learn a lesson which we did not expect to learn, perhaps something worse could have happened. Maybe something we are unaware of could bring a better outcome with time.

If you don't get that job you hoped you would get, it that relationship you were in abruptly comes to an end, you don't get the loan you were wanting, you don't have the money to fix the buoy, accept it. It is not meant to be at that moment. It is not the end of the world, it just happened for a reason that you can understand later in time.

"Unknown reasons are present mysteries solved with time" - NJ

1 comment:

  1. Very well written, for this is true and not always easy to remember.. ALL things happen for a reason, people come in your life and out for a reason. We may at sometime find/see the reason down the road of life and sometimes we will never really know or understand why. But I believe GOD has a plan for us all and All things happens for a reason, for it is his plan for us in our lives. <3
